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To Change or To Change.

Life changes you.  ‘Change’ the one constant throughout the perpetuation of time.
The influence of the people you meet and the experience you undergo are like micro surgeries that restructure bits and parts of you. Either you feel more corrupted with age or more grounded with your accumulation of wisdom. One thing for sure age does not and never will reflect wisdom. It’s always easier being the person from the outside looking in. However, when you are the protagonist of the situation at hand, then the rules of the game changes. The world did not come into being along with an instruction manual. We long constructed our pillars of morals through trials and errors from generation to generation. Thesis and antithesis like that of Hegel’s, as the pendulum swings humanity makes their progression.

Self-evaluation and reflection is an essential ritual for every conscience bearing human being. To question ourselves is just as important as questioning everything else around us. We are the basic unit of our society and who we are as an individual heavily influences its socio-political make up. We are the source of stimuli that tweaks the dynamics of the societal feedback loops, be it positive or negative. This brings us to the issue of one man’s meat being another man’s poison. I adore the diversity of our globe. Like a beautiful tapestry, we are woven together side by side even if we are of different colored threads. Harmony can be achieved but not at the expense of losing that diversity and individualism. Heritages are to be protected. Identities of our forefathers are not to be forgotten for history has made us who we are. The mistakes we keep repeating, the new ones we are making and the ones we have learnt from. Do we ever learn though? Do we come into realization or do we continue to have our glasses fogged up by the same mistakes disguising themselves from one mutated idealism to another?

Arriving somewhere but not here, that is what change is. Change is impartial to the integrity of the status quo. It will come into being, given that all the variables of action and inaction for change are present. So, what can we do about it? Nothing and something; either way there is no running away from it. We must embrace change, be adaptable and continue to shed the layers of our psyche. You may stand still mentally and await change to hit you like a wall of bricks or be like a stream of water maneuvering its way around the rocks. Land hard on the ground like a ceramic mug or gently like a feather. Face, it, we will cease to be the people we once were. Every time we look in the mirror we will see reflected back a new familiar stranger. Hence, the crux of it all is to keep calm, panic if you must and move the fuck on.

GrymmRipper ;]


  1. Our sense of time is essentially built from the rate of change perceived by our senses and integrated by our mind. If change ceases, then we lose the sense of time. One cannot move on from change, as in to escape change altogether.

  2. One year and no update. Where are you Grymmripper?

  3. I'm humbled that you take the time to read my posts. Care to keep in touch?


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