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Death is earthly.

Six feet under,
Tear stained soil,
White lilies,
A requiem mass.

Carpet of grass,
Pregnant clouds,
A gentle drizzle,
Footsteps fading,
Branches swaying.

Misted with sympathy,
The breeze sighs patiently,
The songbird sings a glum melody,
"Memento mori, memento mori."
"Death is the end of your story."

Many a dawn,
Many a dusk,
Daisies pushed,
A banquet of maggots,
A feast of flesh,
Stripped to bones,

The earth nourished,
The earth flourished.

Death is mercy.
Death is earthly.
For dust thou art,
Unto dust thou shalt return.

GrymmRipper. :]


  1. Heard it said often that we come from dust and go back to dust. Gives me a sense that everything in the world is transitory, apart from dust. Is it to say that dust is a constant? Would dust itself go back to something more undifferentiated?

    1. Perhaps for the lack of a better word we're left with the word dust, but most certainly dust does disintegrate further to the most basic of elements that make up our eartlhy matter. We aren't brand new, we are recycled material. Our physical body is the by product of our food, air etc consumption since the time of conception.

    2. So you do agree that language lacks the capacity to express our innermost or most abstract thoughts. How does that feel for bloggers like us who depend so much on expressing ourselves through such imperfect media? I don't know if I should persist with language and dig deeper, or just give up!

      PS: I am not smart enough for poetry, so pardon me for not corresponding on the poetic level that you write.

    3. Yeah, language is crippling; the abstract gets caged when verbalized. It's a mental survival thing, we have to express ourselves by any means necessary even when the medium is limiting. I believe visual art is a much better medium to channel abstract ideas. I like the idea of poetry because the message is not spoonfed to the reader, they have to ponder and spent time with it . However, my poetry does not seem to follow much metrical structure, I wonder if it should be called poetry at all. I'm a poetaster to be honest. Lets call it prosetry. You not smart enought for poetry? Oh please, the grass is always greener on the other side. I personally think you're more of a word wizard than I am, your blog is much more eloquent.


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