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Insignificant thoughts from my monkey brain.

(P/S: This is a post on the incessant flow of thoughts I had when I was in Valle Verzasca while sitting on a rock and leaning against another rock.I typed out whatever I wrote in my notebook and every little paragraph may seem to have no connection with the previous or coming paragraphs whatsoever and may come across to you as bullshit. Haha.I could have spent some time rewriting it into a nice little flowy piece of composition but I prefer it raw like this (My english teachers will be disappointed :P).Oh well,I'm just expressing myself and I'm not gonna apologize for doing just that.)

As I sit here on a rock,under the sun with the wind blowing gently against my skin, I wonder if life could always be this peaceful. Nature is so soothing. I think one of the best things of being alive is that you get to enjoy these natural elements that make up the environment of this world.Music is another thing worth living for.It helps resonate my soul,silence does it too.

Being alone helps me delve in myself.I like it way better than being surrounded by people.Yes,I do get depressed when I am alone but thats only because I don't get distracted by the superficial life I (we all) lead and am aware that this existence we lead needs questioning.

How does one go into nonexistence ? I really want to know so badly.Awareness is a curse.What makes it worse is that you can't do much about it.You're met with a dead end(literally).Time and time again I do drown back into this lucid (superficial) reality so called LIFE.It feeds me with superficial happiness and intoxicates me with senseless euphoria.How does one live life to the fullest,when one does not have the answers to ones existence?

Life is a series of paradoxes.If life was created just for it to end when the time comes,then why create life in the first place?Are we brought into existence for the amusement of some higher power?It is frustrating to not have the answers to ones dilemmas.

There are too many theories to what comes after death,but I'd like to believe that one would go into nonexistence after it and have no awareness whatsoever of ones nonexistence.

If only life was like a river,where its water is translucent that we could see its bottom.Instead life is like an abyss,like a tunnel with neither an exit nor light visible at the end of it.

When I look at these rocks here in this valley, I wonder if a stone could speak what would it say to you?Would it whisper age old secrets or complain about its existence and maybe even question it like I do?

I'd like to believe that each of these stones has a life force, a sort of energy that vibrates within themselves. It helps me to appreciate them and not ignore their substantiality as insignificant.

The water seems to be alive,I can almost hear a hum.The sun's heat blankets me with loving warmth. The trees sway under the gentle nudge of the wind.They move from side to side,happy to be trees.

As I observe the other human beings around me (a group of which are sunbathing and the others sitting under the shade),I wonder what's the difference between them and me? Perspectives maybe? What difference does it make to be sitting under the sun and taking refuge under the shade of trees?.Like in life there are humans who dare stare life in its face(and say they've had enough) and another group that rather find cover and let life lead them wherever it pleases.

The sun, water ,the wind,stones and the trees; they all make up for a moment of reflection at what its like to give in to your senses rather than your desires.

Grymm Ripper :]


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