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Showing posts from January, 2013

A Random Thought #4

Maybe we should all annihilate ourselves so that this planet will be saved. I doubt your sanity and mine. Everything is questionable. We are capable of great evil and there is no guarantee that good people will remain good under every circumstance. Mind you, we are at the end of the day selfish beings.  GrymmRipper :]

A Letter From You to Good Old Mr/Ms Melancholy

Dear Mr/Ms. Melancholy, Come knock on my door and I'll welcome you with open arms. Though my spirit is poor and lacks charm, I promise you I'll be good company. On your previous visit, I have been rude and chased you away; not knowing that distress unto you meant distress unto me. I am hoping that you will accept my sincere apology and come visit me again. Please come by, I'll shake your hands and we can be friends again. I'll let you in, offer you a cup of tea and listen to your monologues.You would neither be interrupted nor rushed, you may take your time and I'll be patient. If you cry, I'll wipe off your tears and offer you a napkin to blow your nose. I'll hold your hands in mine to let you know that you will be alright. When it is time for you to go I'd hug you and with a kiss on your cheek, wave you goodbye. I'll always be here to welcome you. Always. Yours truly, You/Me. (P/S: Melancholia is never forced upon you. When it comes, y...

New Year ? Yeah.

Work, work and more work. I have not really found the time to write within my new routine. Work is fun but tiring, wish there was 48 hours in a day. Whatever it is I will make sure I squeeze in some time to at least post one good entry on my blog before January ends. That reminds me, Happy New Year Everybody! Actually it is pretty much the same old cycle starting all over again. I will still be the same piece of poop I was last year, Hahahaha. No resolutions were made because I know I'll never fulfill them; making a list is just a waste of ATP on my part. So far my 2013 is going okay, do leave a comment and share with me a little about how your 2013 is shaping up. Cheers guys! GrymmRipper :]